Monday 11 July 2005

Raving Ego-maniacs

Sadly this isn't a post about the other Thursday's Jam Session, but instead it's a head up to a recent Times opinion piece on bloated Hollywood egos. Nothing earth-shatteringly new, but a fun bit, never-the-less.
After getting an Oscar nomination with only his second film, the director Peter Bogdanovich behaved so imperiously that when he had his first flop, Billy Wilder said the “champagne corks were popping and the flags were waving all over town”.

I quite like Bogdanovich — he's good in front and behind the camera on The Sopranos and I liked his book, Who The Devil's In It, apart from the fact he kept talking up his own movies — but he's full of himself when he's interviewing other people, so he must have been totally unbearable during that period.

The Times article ends with a list of a few signs that your ego has gotten the better of you including:
Ignoring the whole history of medical science to pronounce on the evils of psychiatry


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