Thursday 3 March 2005

Costik Caustic

Greg Costikyan over at Games * Design * Art * Culture is angry that 50 Cent can get a games deal while no-one remembers the gaming heroes who can't.
Now lets look at the logic of this. Industry legends like Noah Falstein, Lee Sheldon, Hal Barwood, and Chris Crawford can't get a game funded. EA tosses Richard Garriott aside like a used condom when they decide they've squeezed whatever juice they can get out of him, and take Will Wright's staff away from him, lest he come up with something disturbing and unmarketable like, say, THE SIMS. The only person in the field who gets cover credit is Sid Meier (and okay, American McGee, and what a joke that is), and the only person Joe Gamer knows is Miyamoto. Thus, lacking any stars ourselves--precisely because the publishers have done their level best to prevent anyone from becoming one--they're forced to turn to Hollywood and the music business to find headliners for their titles.

By the way, combine the names in this post with the link to Abandonia below and open yourself up to whole new worlds of gaming goodness.

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