Thursday 22 July 2004

Ron Gilbert has a Weblog

He describe's it as "often incoherent and bitter ramblings about the Game Industry". And why not. Especially as his credits include:

  • Maniac Mansion
  • Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
  • The Secret of Monkey Island
  • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
  • Sam & Max Hit the RoadSee comments
  • Day of the Tentacle

Essentially, then, Lucasarts' Golden Age back when they didn't just put out stuff with Star Wars logos on in a hope that no-one would notice the quality1(though I've enjoyed their recent Star Wars stuff on the XBox).

Anyway Ron's site is called the Grumpy Gamer.

1. Masters of Teras Kasi, for example, a beat-em up game that I payed money for, which may have actually been play-tested but certainly didn't seem like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As much as I'd like to claim credit for it, I did not work on Sam & Max.

Ron Gilbert