Tuesday 31 August 2004

I'll Be Guilty The Rest Of My Life

Over at the London News Review there's an article in their music blog called "There are no Guilty Pleasures". It's a reaction, in part, to a sudden surge of nostalgia for a lot of naff records that, mysteriously, we all know the words to. Anyway, Alan at ACME makes most of the good points about this, so there's no need to rehash it.

Just one more thing, though. In the ACME piece there is a link to an article in the Times by a bloke called Bob Stanley, it's called "...So stop faking it" and seems to be saying that, far from being guilty pleasures, this is the music we really like. There is something in this, not much, but something. The article, however, is more infuriating than insightful, especially when it comes to "[people] claim Tom Waits [is] some kind of genius on the vine rather than a lousy fake drunk who would embarrass Dean Martin." At which point you realise what the problem with the article is. The problem is Bob doesn't know what the fuck it is he's talking about.

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