Monday 19 April 2004

Speaking of things that are bad for you...

Stairway to hell, Nick Kent looks at why musicians like drink and drugs and violence.
As Franz Ferdinand say "We wanted to know what drives a certain kind of person to abuse themselves with drink and drugs - and who better to write about this than the legendary Nick Kent?"

He's still not got over Sid Vicious hitting him, though:

I had the dubious pleasure of knowing Vicious and can verify that indeed he was one of the most self-destructive individuals ever to walk the face of this planet. He was also clueless, devoid of a fully formed personality and a borderline psychopath. When Malcolm MacLaren invited him to join the Sex Pistols, it was like giving a retarded teenager a gun and involving him in a bank robbery. There were bound to be bloody victims. Vicious soon demonstrated he had no musical talent whatsoever but that has never mattered to his followers, who wrong-headedly perceive his thirst for pain and mayhem-making as the definitive badge of punk purity.

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