Thursday 3 March 2005

Not a Total Answer

While a go cinetrix, fresh from proving her superiority to video store customers[1], asked "Why is Catholicism always the religion of choice in these horror flicks?"

I dunno, maybe it's crap like this:
Does a stone carving in one of Rome’s biggest cathedrals know whether Pope John Paul II will survive his latest health crisis?

The monument to Pope Sylvester II, who ruled the Catholic Church 1,000 years ago, is said to moisten when the death of a pontiff is imminent.

On Friday, a priest touched the carving in Rome’s Basilica of Saint John Lateran and confirmed it was dry — good news for the pope, who had windpipe surgery Thursday after being rushed to the hospital with breathing problems.

[1] I normally like cinetrix, but that article pissed me off no end. It's the unspoken assumptions mostly. I rent a whole heap of terrible movies, mostly to revel in their terribleness. I've got the likes of Ozu, Welles and Renoir in my DVD collection, so I'm not going to rent them from Blockbuster, or wherever, and I'm not sure that I would want, or be able, to. So, while I'm glad that trixie got to feel superior to someone while doing a dead-end job, I'm less glad of her gloating about it later.

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